Tuesday, October 1, 2013


October 1 - Early morning at Pearl Lake and we're taking care of about a million last minute details before (hopefully!) setting off later this morning. Not easy to make your whole life fit into an RV, even though we've been planning and preparing for months. The long term stuff is in storage out in Olympia WA, where it will remain until we're ready to have a zip code again, and everything else has been stored in one cubbyhole or another here in the moho. Since we really have a generous number of cabinets and drawers, it hasn't been as hard as we thought.

It's been an emotional couple of weeks, saying so many goodbyes to cherished friends and family. But I keep telling myself over and over, it's not a goodbye - it's a "till I see you again" (thanks, Kenny!)   But now it's time, so deep breath and let's hit it.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following your adventures through your new blog. Safe travels and fair winds...
